I’ll attempt to share my glass painting techniques with you, in other words, what I use and how this method works. I’ll share with you what I have found to be easy, successful, and simple.
I’ve had several people email me and ask about the glass painting process, so I thought it might be a good idea to put it out there to share. Let me begin by saying that I’ve used several different types of glass paint. I began by experimenting but I ran across a fellow artisan one day who had the most beautiful glasses..
I asked him what he used and he was gracious enough to share the information with me, which I will share with you in the following paragraph. I will say that the desired end result has alot to do with
preferred product, and I always opt for paints that resemble regular acrylics in color and clarity, so I prefer the brand mentioned in the following tidbit. If you prefer shades that are more translucent, some other product might be right for you, however I cannot make recommendations since I don’t use those varieties. I use Liquitex “Glossies”. I can’t say enough about this product, it’s easy to work with and durable in the end. It’s the product that makes the most sense to me so far, I hope you like using it too. They cost between $4.00 and $5.00 per 2 oz. bottle. When you go to purchase the Liquitex Glossies, be careful to get “GLOSSIES” and not the Liquitex Acrylics, because their bottles and labels are quite similar, and it’s easy to pick up the wrong thing. You might also want to inspect the condition of the bottle to be sure that your paint is fresh. Paint that’s been sitting on the shelf for a long time is difficult and “gloppy” to work with. Check for dust and other signs of an extended shelf life, then choose newer looking bottles if possible. If you purchase your paint online or via the phone, inquire as to the shelf life of their paints. Paint is quite an investment, and you have every right to be assured that you’re going to receive fresh paint!
Begin by cleaning your glass with hot soapy water. Dry your glass items with a lint free towel, preferably one that has been washed WITHOUT fabric softener. (Yes, this really does make a difference! Glass that has been dried with a fabric softener dried towel will actually REPEL the paint!!) Once your glass is clean and dry it’s ready to go. Liquitex “Glossies” were meant to be stirred, not shaken, so use the end of a paintbrush or a toothpick and gently stir for a bit. It is thick and stirring is a bit of trouble however it is the most effective way to prepare the paint. Shaking will NOT move the pigment in the bottom around enough for you to use effectively. Paint your design as you would on any flat surface. If you are doing layers (highlighting, etc) it is best if you let the first coat settle in for a bit before you try to paint on top of it...unless you’re going to do it immediately. This paint does dry reasonably quickly so it’s not a long wait. Do try not to have thick amounts of paint in places, it tends to take longer to dry, and it WILL run if you put too much on. Once finished,
let the item dry for 24 hours. Then place it in a COLD oven and set the temperature on 325 degrees. Set the timer and leave the glass in the oven for 45 minutes. When the timer goes off turn off the oven and let the glass cool.Don’t be tempted to open the oven door to shorten the cooling time. I tried that
once, and when the cool air from the room hit the glass it started making a popping noise. Lucky I didn’t break anything. It’s hard to do but be patient, they WILL cool eventually! Now remove from the oven and wash, and hand dry. Your glass is ready! To care for your new glass: Avoid the dishwasher, hand wash and dry only. Do not soak your glassware in water. Avoid abrasives. To see samples of my painted glassware, please go to the “Painted Glass” page on my Facebook Page.
Although Elizabeth City has been home to Kelly Cameron for most of her life, in July of 2014 she relocated to Crumpler, NC, about 30 mi. northeast of Boone, NC. There, Kelly paints from her home, fulfilling commissions and pursuing her art career from the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains. Kelly is primarily a mixed media/acrylic artist, however she dabbles in a lot of things, such as card-making, collage, teaching, pen/ink, journaling, ACEO art, and painting on faces, wood, metal, paper, canvas, or glass! After so many people asked Kelly how she paints on glass, she put together this helpful guide. It covers everything from buying the paint to drying the paint. Should you need help or have any questions for Kelly regarding this process, feel free to email or call. Enjoy!
kellyscolorstudio@gmail.com 252.202.1597
Tradewinds Flashback January 2015 -- How to paint on glass by Kelly Cameron
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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