Month and will be celebrated by American Indians and tribal
organizations across the state. Having a population of more
than 180,000, North Carolina has the largest American
Indian population east of the Mississippi and the eight largest
in the United States. Traditionally, the Governor recognizes
the significance of North Carolina’s indigenous people with
a proclamation each year. Recognition for American Indians
on a national level began in 1914. However it was not until
1990, when President Bush signed a congressional resolution,
that November was declared National American Indian
Heritage Month.
Archaeological studies show that American Indians have
lived in North Carolina for over 12,000 years. At the time of
English contact, there were three different Native linguistic
groups in NC. The eastern shores and coastal plains areas
of NC were populated by the Algonquian Indians, the southern
coastal plains to the piedmont areas were inhabited by
the Siouan Indians and the piedmont to the western areas
were inhabited primarily by the Iroquois. The Chowanoke
Indians were the largest Algonquian tribe in North Carolina
during the precolonial era. They were also among one of the
first Indian groups to come in contact with the settlers. While
much of their population declined due to war, disease, and
other illnesses, they were not decimated. The Chowanokes
persisted and remain to tell their story.
This month is a time to celebrate the richness of Native
culture and to educate the public on the history of our
country’s Native inhabitants. Chowanoke Indians will celebrate
their heritage during American Indian Heritage Month
at Merchants Millpond State Park on
November 5, 2016 with a history event
and social. History on the pre- and
post- reservation periods, the reclamation
of a part of the historic Chowanoke
reservation, recognition for the Chowanoke
Indians, and the documentary
film currently being produced on the
Chowanoke Indians of Gates County
will be discussed. The public is invited
to attend.
The Chowanoke Indians -- By Duvonya Chavis
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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