I hope all had a great Thanksgiving and gave some thought to
its beginning some three hundred years ago. People new in
a new land and history accounts they had tough times then.
Fast forward to now and we surely face tough times. It is what
it is. Innovate, adapt and overcome best you can. Christmas is
almost here. Now, we do have those who will prey on us while
shopping for family and friends. What might we do? Mix joy
and caution so that no family will experience pain and sorrow.
I will also thank those of you who read this publication and my
humble contribution. Are you contemplating a fi rearm purchase
as well as some warm gloves? There is simplicity between gloves
and a handgun-they have to fi t the hand or will not likely be used.
Same thing applies to carry-if it is too heavy, large and uncomfort-
able it will likely be a stay at home item. Carry what will protect you
and take it with you when you leave your dwelling. Need a
concealed carry permit? Your county sheriff’s offi ce is where to
start the paper work and then fi nd an instructor who will give good training,
answer questions, put your learning experience above all else. Oh, yes, with
the holidays there will be some toasts with spirits. Take note and save the
grief. No drinking when handling fi rearms, it’s smart and it is the law. Evil do-
ers are out Christmas shopping so I strongly suggest securing your perimeter
and locking up your shooting irons. I sincerely hope that the new year will be
calmer and that those who serve and protect will not experience the loss they
have in the recent past and the pain and suffering of broken families.
Gun Tips -- by: Lloyd "Duke" Hodges
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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