One of the main things I have enjoyed over the past ten years is fishing for big
Red Drum in Pamlico Sound. Ever since my buddy Ricky Vanhorn took me on my
first drum fishing trip I have been hooked. I like to go out of Swan Quarter in Hyde
County, NC in the mid summer to early fall (July – September). To make the trip even
better, I like to fish for my bait earlier in the day around Judith Island. I like to catch
croakers, spot, and pig fish using light tackle with bottom rigs baited with shrimp,
squid, or cut bait. Those fish along with mullet and menhaden are the best bait for
big drum … the fresher the better. Also while fishing for bait, it is not unusual to catch
other varieties of fish such as speckle trout, gray trout, puppy drum, black drum, sea
mullet, and flounder. Any of these fish along with any nice sized croakers or spot
that aren’t used for bait will make for a great meal. After either catching fresh bait
or bringing some along, I like to head out to a spot in the sound to set up for drum
fishing. Big Drum seem to like hard bottoms, especially ones with oyster shells and
drop offs where the water depth changes from shallow to deeper somewhat abruptly.
Once securely anchored, I then put out my drum rigs which my choice is manual bait
cast reels spooled with 30# mono on 7 foot medium heavy rods. You must have 9/0
circle hooks with the barb pinched down to be legally fishing from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m..
You have to use circle hooks because you don’t want to deep-hook drum if you can
help it. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., J-hooks or circle hooks are legal because people fish
other species of big fish such as tarpon with the same rigs and bait used for drum. I like to cut a medium to large bait fish in ½ and thread it on the circle hook, then cast the rig (9/0 circle hook,
60 – 80 lb test leader, and a 3 – 6 oz barrel sinker) as far as I can from the boat. I like to put
out four to six rods and I usually try to get set up by 3-4 pm and fish until dark or
shortly thereafter. Most of the best drum fishing takes place after dark but I’m just
not a night fisherman. Most of the big drum caught will weigh 30 to 60 pounds and
measure 38 to 60 inches in length. To learn more about catching Bull Red Drum in
Pamlico Sound, do some online reading and check out the many Youtube videos
that will show you how to rig, bait, and fish for the drum. Make certain that you have
the proper fishing license and fully understand the rules and regulations for Bull Red
Drum fishing in the Pamlico Sound … then get yourself out there and have the fishing
time of your life.
Big Red Drum Fishing -- By Jimmy Fleming
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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