Dozens of neighborhoods were inaccessible this morning after Hurricane Matthew churned closer than expected to the Outer Banks with high wind and relentless rain.
The storm’s outer reaches ran up against a cold front, and the clashing circulation intensified winds to speeds of 74 mph at Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head and gusts reaching 80 mph at the Duck research pier.
At 2 p.m., Matthew, now classified as a post-tropical system, was 160 miles east of Cape Hatteras and moving east at 1f mph.
From Nags Head into Kill Devil Hills, flooding squeezed traffic into single lanes along stretches of U.S. 158 as water spilled out of overwhelmed drainage ditches. Much of N.C. 12 was flooded, as were many neighborhoods between the highways.
Read More at the Outer Banks Voice Click Here
Matthew swamps region; 80 mph gust clocked at Duck -- By Outer Banks Voice
Reviewed by kensunm
9:06:00 PM

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