Are you confused about the political situation facing us? Me too. However, if you own a gun you need to vote. In the mid fifties I was stationed in Germany and I saw things that were the result of a population having been disarmed by the then government.
Things I have never forgotten. As Americans we do have rights inscribed long go to protect us from an overreaching government. There are some people in high places that would try to disarm us or the very least make ammunition so bound in red tape and taxes it would make purchasing almost impossible. Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I think now is the time to put some maintenance on your guns with some serious lubrication. We have had enough rain and humidity to create some rust and that will really impair good operation, especially semi-auto pieces. Gun safe
interiors are not immune to dampness unless one has a dehumidifier and that is not written in stone.
Clean them up. Well, I am chomping at the bit to go to the range to re-sight the long guns especially the laser bore sighted ones. I know from past experience that temperature can alter previous settings. As I have previously stated, shooting skills diminish with lack of practice. Dry firing (unloaded please) is a fairly good method to retain some skill. Remember one hundred rounds fired with no hits is not firepower, one round with one hit is firepower. Cold weather is coming and if you carry concealed consideration should be given as to how you can stay warm and quickly access you carry piece if it is needed to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm. Read the police reports in newspapers, locate addresses if provided and avoid those places. Remember this—you are your
first responder and as such you must be familiar with the law.
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Gun Tips -- By: Lloyd "Duke" Hodges
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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