Donald Trump suffered a setback last week when the American Health Care Act lacked the votes to pass. Here’s a great discussion of why it failed and what its failure means for the future.
Listen in at 8pm
Gun control in America is and always been about controlling a group of people. We are a nation of indigenous people, immigrants, refugees, and emancipated slaves. Who is persecuted changes every generation. This week, I want to share with you what was behind the Sullivan Law. Interview with with Carrie Lightfoot of The Well Armed Woman and Women’s Gun Show. Michael J. Woodland of M-W Tactical talks about selecting a range for membership. Show sponsored by and members of
Listen in at 9pm
Special guest Jason Quitt joins us to discuss his time travel experiences that started shortly after his out of body experiences as a child. He also fills us in on the different alien encounters he has had along with past civilizations he witnessed first hand.
Listen in here at 10 pm
Tonight on Tradewinds Radio
Reviewed by kensunm
7:30:00 PM

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