Dr. Crime is a pseudonym for
a social scientist holding a Ph.D. degree in sociology and in
criminology. He has worked in all major parts of the criminal
justice system. Drop him a note at the website www.keepkidshome.net
if you or
your child is in trouble, he may be able to help, give him a call
Dear Dr. Crime: Is it ok
to smoke pot now? What does the science tell us? Happy Fellow
Dear Happy: The National
Academy of Sciencesi
released a new report on pot effects just days ago. You can read
that report if you go to
. The bottom line is that the laws and research are unclear and get
in the way of resolution of the issue. This is a wider issue than
many of us realize, as the Feb. 2017 issue of Bottom
Line Health
reported that recreational pot use for adults age 50 or more went up
71% between 2006 and 2013. . I do not advise you to use pot, unless
your physician tells you to do so. There remain research studies
that indicate possible harm. Leave it alone.
Dear Dr. Crime: I got
approached by a con-man and want to report him but don’t know how.
What do I do? Suckered.
Dear Victim: Sorry to
hear that, but it is more common that most of us know. If you are
tricked by a door to door or crooked contractor, report it to your
local police or District Attorney. Our NC Attorney General has a
consumer protection site and you can file a complaint there. To see
the NC Consumer Protection site go to
Other sources dealing with fraud are the Federal Trade Commission
(877-382-4357), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
(855-411-2372), and the Internet Crime Complaint Center
(ic3.gov/complaint), or you can call an attorney. Our State Bar will
help you. Go to
And of course you can get insurance protection. Finally, take a
look at the AARP publication by Sid Kirchheimer, “ Scam – Proof
your Life” . See:
Dear Dr. Crime: This
political campaign made me fear we cannot trust our political
leaders. Do just the liars run for political office? Sad Voter.
Dear Voter: Join the club.
There was widespread anger at political figures, so you are not
alone. Dr. Dan Arielyii
at Duke University reported that almost 2/3 of the voters do not
believe the presidential candidates were “honest and trustworthy”.
His research shows that lying is very widespread among all of us.
It is not limited to politicians, for several reasons. We
communicate without face to face contact (the internet) more than in
the past, and we don’t use cash as much. Dr. Arielty had a great
suggestion to help us with our own scruples. He said research showed
that, when faced with a conflictual situation, try to recite the Ten
Commandments, the ones from God. Even the research shows that works,
not just our preachers. Yes, there is wide spread lying in our
culture. Let’s do something about it!!!
Dear Dr. Crime. Thanks
for your information about how religious services can cut down
delinquency. I told my preacher. Is there stuff that would apply to
me specifically? Parishioner Lady
Lady: Those research findings showing the benefits of religious
services on a wide range of outcomes applied to us all. But, there
is research on just women. Harvard University and the American
Medical Association studied almost 75,000 women from 1992 till 2012
and compared those women who attended religious services a lot with
those who did not. They found that “Frequent
attendance at religious services was associated with significantly
lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality among
The report indicated this
could be used by physicians!
Dear Dr. Crime: Are
police officers mean to those people they arrest? What is it like to
be a police officer? Mother of a boy.
Mom: The US Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that in their 9
year survey, an average of 44 million adults annually had one or more
face-to-face contacts with police. Of that massive number,
experienced the threat or use of nonfatal force by police.iv
My experience with law enforcement has shown almost every one
handled a very difficult job well and ethically. There are 680,000
police officers in the US, making a salary that is reasonable for
most of us, but they face death. More people have confidence in
police than in public schools or in congress.v
Visit your local police department and ask about a “ride-along”
and you will see what it is like.
Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The
Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research
Ariely, Dan. 2016. Why everyone is lying. BottomLine Personal,
July 15, 2016. Page 13-14.
VanderWeele, Tyler. 2016. Association of Religious Service
Attendance with Mortality Among Women. Harvard University
Department of Epidemiology.
iv Police
Use of Nonfatal Force, 2002‒11 NCJ 249216), related documents, and
additional information about the Bureau of Justice Statistics can be
found at www.bjs.gov
Time magazine August 24, 2015
Dear Dr Crime
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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