You may know that Elizabeth City Habitat for Humanity is always recruiting volunteers to work in our store but did you know that we have many other volunteer opportunities, including some that you can do from home?
With spring gardening just around the corner, we need someone to coordinate our Community Garden. The raised beds are located at 306 Mill St, in front of our store facing Hughes Blvd. They were built through a cooperative venture with River City Community Development Corporation.
The coordinator recruits people in the neighborhoods to come and take care of the garden. In return, they get to take some of the produce at the end of the season for their family’s use. Plants are donated but we need people to weed and water the garden. If you have a green thumb, this might be a way that you can support Habitat’s mission in Elizabeth City.
We also need people to help with our family selection process. This involves reviewing applications for houses, visiting the homes of applicants and making recommendations to the board. This is a vital role because it assures us that we select families who are willing to partner with us.
Other ways you can help include stuffing envelopes for mailings, calling to solicit donations, picking up donations, and acting as ambassadors to local civic groups and churches. We also need someone to research and apply for grants.
If any of these sound interesting to you, contact Jane Elfring, 252-384-0115 for further information.
Elizabeth City Habitat for Humanity -- by Jane Elfring
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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