the time you read this article Spring Gobbler Season will be over. I
hope you had a chance to draw your bow back on a nice Tom.
game seasons are over, small game season is predominately over ….what
is a bowhunter to do now?? First, go over ALL of your equipment....
every single piece. Bows, arrows, clothing, calls, …. everything...
get rid of the faulty equipment, replace your bowstrings and arrows.
Check out the new equipment on the market..... and then??
shooting!!! You cannot shoot enough. Your archery equipment should be
an extension of yourself. As a famous archer once said...”Become
the arrow!”
is the time to go bow fishing!! It is awesome to take a fish with an
arrow. But, it is not an easy task. Remember light refracts in water.
You have to aim below a fish in order to achieve success when fishing
with the bow and arrow. There are 3-D practice targets for bow
fishing... but I tend to practice on the cheaper side of my wallet. I
use 2-liter bottles... sink the just below the surface with some lead
weights and practice shooting with my fishing arrows. It saves
wear-and-tear on my arrows and doesn't hurt my wallet. Just be sure
of the type of “fish” you can harvest with your bow. Check your
you aren't a bow fisherman but you still need to continue shooting
your bow. There is a plethora of 3-D competitions in the surrounding
counties where you can continue to shoot your bow. If you have never
been to a 3-D shoot... I encourage you to go and try it! The
comradery and spirit of everyone in attendance is really uplifting.
You may even see a bow you like, if you do, write down the details
and contact your local archery shop so you can check it out. Never
pick up a bow that belongs to someone else, bows are pretty much
fitted to the owners, even traditional bows. Take a child with
you.... the amazement in his/her eyes is astounding. This is what
most archers call, for lack of a better term, 3-D season!!
of upcoming events:
Train to hunt challenge at Buttermilk Creek May 13, 2017
Freshwater Bow fishing tournament May 2017
Saltwater Bash (bow fishing) June 2017
information can be found on our website. The new website should be up
and running soon. We have been going under some reconstruction so we
might be able to better serve the bowhunters of North Carolina. Each
district has a Wildlife Representative in place for the NCBA.
submitted.Talmage Dunn, District 1 Wildlife
North Carolina Bowhunters Association
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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