How did I know that African-Americans had served in the Revolution? It certainly was not because of what I was taught in school. AND, as much as I would like to claim the credit, it was not because of research that I had personally done.
There are several lineage societies that focus on descent from someone who served in the Revolution – but by far the largest is the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Like my own SAR and the American education system in general, throughout much of its 125-year history, the DAR was very reluctant to accept that African-Americans had been Patriots during the Revolution or as members. In fact the DAR is justly notorious for its outrageous treatment of the world-renown African-American singer, Marian Anderson, when in 1939 they refused her permission to sing to an integrated audience in their Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. But, by the mid-1980s the DAR was determined to correct their past mistakes! Starting then the DAR began a project a project to identify the names of African Americans, Native Americans, and individuals of mixed heritage who supported the American struggle for independence. That project still continues today, but it has already published three books of its findings (google “Forgotten Patriots” for more) and has already identified over 6,600 individuals of African, Native American, or mixed descent who served in the Revolution. This may not sound like many served, but remember the total population of the thirteen original states in 1775 was only just over two million with approximately 400,000 African-Americans (most of whom were slaves). Others have also researched and written in this area, Paul Heinegg is particularly noteworthy and worth also taking a look at.
This is IMPORTANT research, things that ALL Americans need to know! So, more next time!
African-Americans and America's war for independence
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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