New Year!
celebrating of the New Year has been going on for more than 4000
years. The earliest recordings of the celebration date back to 2000
B.C. in Mesopotamia (now Iraq). This celebration has gone through
many changes during the years, but started out as a pagan
The date of the New Year has also changed along with the changes to
the calendar. All calendar’s used to be based on the lunar cycle,
but in 42 B.C. Julius Caesar changed things to the Julian calendar
which follows the sun’s cycle. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced
the Gregorian calendar restoring New Year’s day to January 1st.
This is the calendar that we use today. Not all cultures celebrate
New Year’s on Jan. 1st.
Some still use the traditional time that was used by their ancestors.
No matter how or when you celebrate making empty resolutions,
partying all night, whatever you do, these won’t bring you
happiness in the New Year. There is only one thing that can bring you
true happiness and joy and that is the Love of Jesus Christ. All of
the answers to life can be found in the Bible. If you are seeking a
“fresh start” this New Year, then start with Jesus, he will give
you everything that you are seeking. Get plugged into a church in
your area, fully rely on God, and watch your life change for the
better. There will be struggles, God’s word tells us that, but when
we put our faith and trust in Him, that’s when we are truly
blessed. If you have questions about where to start this new journey,
call us at 252-453-2773 or email newlifecurrituck@gmail.com
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his
great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance
that can never perish, spoil or fade – kept in heaven for you. 1
Peter 1:3-4.
New Life Currituck
Reviewed by kensunm
9:00:00 AM

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