Whats in your diet -- Dec 2017 by Warren Green

I'm very pleased with the news that Aldi's and Lidl's, major organic retailers will be locating stores in Elizabeth City. They will be major upgrades in the quality of our local organic food options. Let's dig a little deeper into those options. Those companies are huge players in the global organic market, and have identified Northeast N.C. As a market that can support two of the top ten leaders in retail organic sales. I'll accept their market research.

Because of their research the “Organic Capital of the World” initiative is within reach. Our long growing season, great transportation logistics, and now our new international neighbors should serve as an incentive and wake up call to build certified organic enterprises in our agriculture based economy, that will be sustainable and a major contributor to the Northeast North Carolina economy.

Here's why. Dr. Shimeng Liu, writing in the Journal of Urban Economics, suggest that the regions where the United States Government made land grants to universities back in the 1860's, have flourished in the 21st century. That correlates with USDA economist Lyman Stone's assertion that universities will be the savior of small towns, primarily because they hire smart people that stay in the community and further the institution's mission. The caveat is the mission. If educational institutions desire community support, the institution must align their curriculum to enhance the community. In Northeastern N.C. That's AGRICULTURE.

Connecting the dots, ECSU's Non-Land Grant status granted in February/2017, allows them to receive agricultural resources from the U.S.D.A.'s $500 billion dollar farm bill, and private agricultural interest. I've been lobbying for ECSU to attempt to acquire (certified organic laboratory) accreditation so that our local agriculture enterprises have a servicing agency in the region and for that matter in the state. A certified lab guarantees sustainability.

Local leadership must pay attention, and this column will be used as a reminder.

Recently, I had an inquiry about high tunnels. High tunnels are a low-cost technology used for producing crops including vegetables and fruits. High tunnels protect the crops from weather extremes, rainfall, pest and other factors that reduce marketable yield and quality. I estimate that three high tunnels, can yield approximately 17,000lbs or 8.5 tons of produce a year. Three high tunnels can easily fit on an acre of land. And F.Y.I. robotic systems are being developed by such entities as M.I.T. for maximum yield, all underwritten by USDA Rural Development resources.

Finally, I envision small organic spin farms (1-2 acres) popping up all over the region, with their owners making their own deals, contributing clean food to America's food chain, and providing sustainable enterprises and careers for generations. “The Organic Capital of the World”.

Recalls:Multiple Turkey and Chicken products made by Green Cuisine Est. P40299, for Trader Joe's.
Products were contaminated with extraneous material, specifically hard silica and glass fragments.
Whats in your diet -- Dec 2017 by Warren Green Whats in your diet -- Dec 2017 by Warren Green Reviewed by kensunm on 7:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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