Now that we’ve survived the Thanksgiving weekend with its twin
dangers of too much good food and holiday shopping crowds, the full
swing of the festive season is upon us and nowhere more vigorously
than in Perquimans County! The first weekend in December is marked
by holiday kick-off events like the Grand Illumination on the first
Friday evening and the Perquimans County Christmas Parade on the
first Saturday. The Grand Illumination brings song and dance and
twinkling lights to the lawn of the historic County Courthouse. The
County Christmas Parade fills the streets with music and fun as
Perquimans businesses, organizations, clubs and individuals march
through downtown wishing friends and neighbors a joyous holiday
season. And, after the parade, Historic Market Street turns out in
festive attire and invites parade spectators to wander down the
street, admiring the holiday decorations, meeting neighbors, enjoying
music and refreshments.
And that’s just the first weekend! The December calendar is
crowded with events, celebrations, occasions and revels. The
Newbold-White House, oldest brick house in the region, holds its
Colonial Christmas Open House, complete with wassail and yule log
bonfires on December 8th. The Albemarle Community
Orchestra performs its “True Meaning of Christmas” concert at the
Carolina Moon Theatre on December 15th. Trinity Bells
plays a Christmas Concert at the Albemarle Plantation on December
Churches offer holiday concerts and fellowship throughout the month.
Highlights include the Up River Friend’s “Sweet Christmas Story”
musical and meal on December 9th. Hertford Methodist
Church invites the public to a “True Meaning of Christmas”
Concert and Carol Sing on December 16th. First Baptist
Church has a Christmas play and dinner on December 16th.
Holy Trinity Episco0al Church has a Festival of Lessons and Carols on
December 17th, featuring the Trinity Bells.
Ok, I’m running out of space here, but have not even begun to touch
the surface of the holiday celebrations. For a more complete list,
constantly updated, please go to the Community Calendar at
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Perquimans Holidays!
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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