Talmage Dunn
District 1 Wildlife Rep for NCBA
Deer season will be upon us in a few weeks. I have one question for you....Are you ready?
Prepping for the upcoming season is much more than just pulling out last year’s equipmant and
stepping into the field.getting prepared begins by scouting your area. If you are hunting private
land or with a club you have to be out at the fields/ woods area several times before hun ting season
looking for deer. I don’t mean walking in on their trails and leaving your scent evrywhere, but truly
scouting your area. If you can get out at various times during the off season using a pair of
binoculars or a spotting scope, look for the deer in your hunting area. Make copious notes in a trail
journal or on a map. Note the patterns and time of day you spot the deer.
Food sources are important. What are the food sources that they are keying in on? Check
out the forest... are there any fruit trees on your property? White acorn trees? What crops are being
planted nearby? Each of these can give you a clue to the patterns the deer are using and enable you
to have a more successful season.
In the event you are unable to get out several times for some self-scouting trips,, try and
obtain a trail camera. These devices can be invaluable to a hunter that is not able to put the time
in the field to observe the deer, whether due to work or family obligations. A trail-cam could be
the next best thing to being there. If nothing else it will show you the multitude of animals on the
property you are hunting. However, remember your secent will be in the areas that you place the
Suppose you aren’t in a club or don’t have any private land access.... The State of North
Carolina has many management areas that are available to be hunted. Some have archery only
hunting areas. My favorite is Butner wildlife management area or Pisgah National forest area. There
are areas all around the state where one can go to hunt. You could also consider going up to some of
the area farmers, preferably not the day before hunting season and certainly not in your cammies,
and inquire about permission to hunt on their property. You could offer to do some work for them
or help them out in some way. When you become a member of the NCBA permission to hunt cards
are issued with the membership packet. You need to develop a rapport with the landowners. In many
parts of the state hunters are helping control the deer on some of the golf courses, check out your
local courses!
If the deer on your properties are not being chased regularly by dogs or overhunted by too
many people then the deer patterns will not alter as much in the fall from their summer habits.
Check with the landowners that are out in the fields nearby to see if they can give you information on the deer patterns they observe.
Whatever you do in getting prepared for the upcoming season, check your equipment, practice shooting, and have fun!
Upcoming events:
NCBA Annual Picnic, August 7th,
Guilford Bowhunters,
Starting around 12:30.
Check our website for more details.
For many other articles visit the Albemarle Tradewinds Online edition Click Here
North Carolina Bow Hunters Association
Reviewed by kensunm
8:00:00 PM

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