There is NO rain date for this event
Vehicles: $20 registration fee before August 15, 2014, $25 after.
Vendors, please visit isfindex.html for registration
Please send your check and this registration form to: Frank Jaklic-Car Show, 401 N
Church Street Hertford, NC 27944, (252) 426-5246. Make check out to Indian
Summer Festival. Mark “Car Show” in the memo portion of the check.
Cars must be on site by 9:00 am on Saturday. Early arrivals okay after 7:00 am. The
site is located on Punch Alley, downtown Hertford, behind the town hall, police station,
and boat ramp.
Indian Summer Festival is a family oriented event, so feel free to bring your family and
enjoy the day. Because your kids, and your friend’s kids may be there, alcohol and
loud music is not allowed in most areas.
Fun is allowed everywhere!

Want to be in the car show @ Indian Summer Festival?
Reviewed by Albemarle Tradewinds
8:00:00 AM
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