Nutrition Pair

Diabetes: Own it! Control it!
The rate of diabetes and pre-diabetes continues to rise. Unfortunately, the number of products claiming to cure the disease is also rising.Our mission is not to promise a cure, but instead help you better understand what diabetes is and how you can reduce your risk of developing or improve the management of it..  Our intention is to help you to embrace your diabetes or pre-diabetes.  We want you to own it and control it!
We are Angie & John Lamberson, a married couple of Registered & Licensed Dietitians, Certified Diabetes Educators & Certified Integrative Health Coaches. We are co-owners of the nutrition consulting company, Nutrition Pair.  Our passion lies in helping people of all ages to prevent or better manage chronic conditions through healthy eating, exercise and stress management. We are unique in that we are nutrition & diabetes experts who actually experience life with a chronic disease on a day-to-day basis (John has Type 1 Diabetes).
We use diabetes as motivation to be healthy through mindful behaviors. We won’t make a claim that we can cure diabetes. But, we can help you find your path to wellness.
Want to take that first step to a healthier life?  Like we say at Nutrition Pair, “It’s Your Life. It’s Your Health. Make That Change!TM
Visits can be conducted face-to-face in our office, via phone or via our HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform.  
We are Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medicare providers (Both plans have nutrition/wellness benefits--contact us to discuss).
Health and wellness are within your reach. Call us at 252-335-WELL or visit on-line at
Use the coupon code Tradewinds & save $20 off of any nutrition counseling package purchased on-line:
Office Location: 1241 N. Road Street, Elizabeth City, NC (Right across from the YMCA)
Nutrition Pair Nutrition Pair Reviewed by kensunm on 3:02:00 PM Rating: 5

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