You will hear many truths and many
untruths spoken in these days before the mid-term election. Both
candidates for Sheriff, Jim Bray, and Shelby White have had many
significant and profound statements made about them. So, what about
the spoken word? If you are reading it from a media source there is
little to no word inflection. Voices don’t get louder or softer,
they are pretty flat, like the paper you are reading them from.
Of course, you want the
best-qualified candidate to win because the win is for you, the
resident and business owner of Perquimans County, not for the
individual filling the office. If words say each candidate is “most
qualified” for the office of Sheriff, then how do you decide on the
candidate you for whom you wish to vote? Remember, the point that the
win is for the population of our great county!
The office of Sheriff of Perquimans
County should not be based on popularity. Preferably on the ideas
that words don’t portray. I do not know Shelby White on a personal
level, but I do know Jim Bray, and he views being Sheriff of
Perquimans County as a noble task. After all, he will be overseeing
this county with a population that has almost doubled since 1970 and
today stands at around 13,500 residents. Our county is 329 square
miles, and that is a vast territory.
I liken the role of Sheriff to the
Biblical definition of an Overseer. “He is above reproach, the
husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable,
hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but
gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his
own family well and see that his children obey him with proper
respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how
can he take care of…)” the people of Perquimans County?
(Scripture reference 1 Timothy 3:2-5 NIV) This description fits Jim
Bray like a glove.
Jim has served our nation as a
Marine for four years, our state as a North Carolina State Highway
Patrol Trooper for 26 years with the last three years as Sergeant,
and our community. He has been involved in the lives and livelihood
of kids in Perquimans County for many years where his boys were
enrolled in and graduated from the Perquimans County school system.
Now, take a look at Jim’s lifestyle and that of his family. Jim
and his wife of 28 years have two sons, with the oldest, Cole, who is
23, married and lives in the Raleigh area, teaching High School
Science. His youngest son, Dalton is 20 and is a Junior at ECU
majoring in nutrition. Their kids have an impeccable record. Jim and
his wife, Kim attend Mt. Sinai Church in Perquimans County.
Jim does not have county employees,
writing supporting documents for him. But who be does have is the
residents of this county doing that. Their reach is far and wide and
extends over the entire 329 square miles, not just the town of
Hertford. Jim has held his team accountable to a clean campaign with
no rotten tomatoes against his opponent and without the use of scare
tactics and intimidation. Are there rotten tomatoes? I do not
personally know, but you must find out for yourself. Talk to people.
Investigate. Ask questions. Do your checks and balances. Then
make an informed decision which will be a vote in favor of Jim Bray.
I have personally talked with
residents all over Perquimans County receiving nothing but positive
feedback about Jim Bray. Descriptive words I hear over and over are,
honesty, high integrity, high ethics, professionalism, compassion,
fairness, equality, impartial, strong leader, courageous,
trustworthy, accountable, and I could go on and on but I think enough
Jim Bray’s Mission Statement for
the office of the Sheriff of Perquimans County is as follows. “To
protect and serve the citizens of Perquimans County by providing a
strong, impartial law enforcement presence that incorporates
integrity, professionalism, and compassion into the daily activities
and strategies necessary to combat crime and improve the lives of all
citizens of Perquimans County.” If you make your decision using
all the information you have at hand, then you will, without a doubt,
vote for Jim Bray for Sheriff on November 6.
Pat Throckmorton, RN Ret.
Resident Perquimans County
Jim Bray -- by Pat Throckmorton, RN Ret.
Reviewed by kensunm
7:00:00 PM

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