In April of 1864, Federal and Confederate forces clashed at Plymouth, North Carolina, in a fierce battle that shook eastern North Carolina. Confederate forces under the command of General Robert F. Hoke surrounded and bombarded the Federal garrison into submission while the CSS Albemarle drove a Federal flotilla from the Roanoke River. By the end of the battle, Plymouth was in ruins and Confederate forces were setting theirs sights on New Bern.
The 26th Annual Battle
of Plymouth Living History Weekend will take place April 22-24. Reenactors will recreate the Civil War battle
along the scenic Roanoke River.
Spectators will have the opportunity to see a land battle, a skirmish, a
naval battle featuring a scale replica of the CSS Albemarle, artillery demonstrations, a troop encampment and more.
This year, for the first time, a
“Torchlight Theater” will be offered where spectators can enjoy music and short
plays based on Civil War events. Two
showings will be offered Saturday, April 23, at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. Price of admission is $10 per person.
A “Hidden History Bus Tour” will be
offered on Friday, April 22, and Saturday, April 23, from 1:00 to 4:00
p.m. The tour will focus on General
Hoke’s siege and recapture of Plymouth in April 1864 with the assistance of the
CSS Albemarle. Jimmy Hardison, a local historian, will
narrate the tour. Tickets are $30 per person or
$50 per couple. Tickets are limited and
by reservation only.
The event’s climax will be on
Sunday, April 24, with the Battle for Fort Compher. Reenactors will simulate the fall of Plymouth
with Confederate soldiers overrunning the last Union fortification. Tickets for adults
and youth ages 12 to 18 are $5; children under 12 are free when
accompanied by a paying adult.
For general admission, there is a
One-Day Pass (Saturday only, including all events except the Bus Tour and the
Torchlight Theater) for $5 for adults and youth ages 12 to 18; children under
12 are free when accompanied by a paying adult.
There is also a Combination Weekend Pass (Saturday & Sunday,
includes all events except the Bus Tour and the Tea Party) at $15 for adults;
$8 for youth ages 12 to 18; children under 12 are free when accompanied by a
paying adult.
The event will be located at 302 East Water Street, Plymouth, NC 27962.
The 26th Annual Battle of Plymouth Living History Weekend
Reviewed by Port o' Plymouth Museum
10:44:00 AM

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